
For the new one to Coupang QuickFlex, it is crucial to carefully consider the following factors when selecting a router.

Thoughful consideration of these points can significantly influence your success and satisfactation.

1. Selection of Distributor

There are over 120 distributors of Coupang Quickflex drivers, as listed on the courier recruitment site (https://cafe.naver.com/baeyongcha/52262).

Including those not listed, the number of distributors is quite substantial.

There are large sized distributors like 'H*' and 'Gang* Logistics', as well as medium and small sized distributors, each with unique characteristics.

Distributors vary in their available routers, regions/camps, and commission rates, which ranges from 5~10%.

It is essential to check details such as the router held by distributor, whether they focus on daytime or nighttime routers, who manages the operations(a representative or a team leader), and the payment dates.

2. Daytime vs Nighttime Router

1) Daytime

- Lower risk of delivery failure due to late cut-off times (from 10 or 11 AM to 11:59 PM).

Fresh goods have an 8 PM cut-off, requiring separate management, but work generally finishes before 8PM, except during peak seasons or monthly peak days.

- Higher volume but lower rates compared to nighttime router.

- Sufficient parking spaces in both apartment and general buildings.

- Elevator usage in apartment or office buildings can be challenging by sense operation during commuting to school or evening rush hours.


2) Nighttime

- Wokr hours are from 10 PM to 6:59 AM, with a usual three rounds (D1,. D2, D3), leading to higer chances of delivery failures.

- Lower volume but higher rates compared to daytime router.

- Fewer cumbersome deliveries.

- Limited parking spaces in both apartment and general buildings, so often requiring parking on the street.

- Easier elevator access before 6 AM due to lower usage.

3. Apartment vs General street building

1) Apartment

- Usually called a building with elvator by "apartment".

(Building with non-elevator is considered as general street buildings)

- Less Physically demanding than general street buildings or non-elevator buidings.

- Elevator time can not be easily ruduced and usage peaks in the morning after 6 AM and evening after 6 PM.

- Large apartment complexes can have too much high volume of deliveries to do for one team.


2) General building

- Office buildings with elevator is exceptionnally to be regarded as apartment but parking lot is varies.

- Low-rise apartment (no elevator) : up to 5 or 6 floors, requiring strong knees.

- Single-family and multi-family houses : Uually three floors or less with limited parking.

Deliveries may require parking in the middle of the street during the day and night.

- Factory : Defferences in easy of access, parking, and density depending on whether the factory is old or newly constructed.

Delivery points within the factory can varry.

4. Router complexity and delivery count

1) What is the rate of apartment (100% apartment or over 80%)

2) Check if apartment or office buildings have entry codes aor master keys

3) Presense and proportion of low-rise apartment or villas without elevator

5) Presense of one-wat street, steep inclines or unpaved roads

4) Inclusion of undesirable locations (i.e, cemeteries or military base)

5) Promximity to old markets during the days / or drinking bars and entertaiment areas at night

5. Fixed vs Back-up drivers

1) Fiexed driver :

Assigned the same router consistently throughout the year, working 5 or 6 days a week.

2) Back-up driver :

larger distributor may have back-up drivers to cover for fixed drivers on their days-off.

Back-up driver may handle 2~3 differnt routers per week and may work different router every each day.

Performance evaluations typically do not heavily impack back-up drivers and some distributors offer lower commisson rates for them.



Each of these factors is interconnected and should be considered collectively.

A single decision can impack you for at least one year, If not longer.

Therefore, it's essential to deliberate throughthly before starting.

While many of the coveted router are already taken and distributor often prioritize to the existing driver

 (including back-up driver) when vacancies arise.

However, occationlly, good router to became abailble. Thus, continuous reseach and monitoring are necessary.

