
This time, let's take a look at the item necessary for Coupang Quick Flex delivery.


Essential items;

1. Raincoat : It it rains (or snows heavily), there's not much time to carry an unbrella. 

And it's combersome to hold products with one hand while holding an umbrella with the other.

It's best to wear a raincoat for delivery.

2. Cart : Typically, two carts are used ; a large cart for delivering large or numerous items at once and a small cart for delvering items with bulky volume or weight.

3. Extra battery : Using the Coupang app. consumes a lot of battery regardless of day or night.

Therefore, it's advisable to connect a extra battery wheenver there's time to ensure the phone so it doesn't run out of battery before the final delivery.

4. Flashlight :Essential for nighttime operations.

When delivering in dark areas, it's necessary to inspect the address on tracking number invoice.

The address on the doorplate, and apartment/unit numbe(e.g. distinguishing between 101 and 102) by shining a light.

If delivering to a rural area, may need to illuminate the entrance or alleyway.

5. Bottle water : Essential in summer and even in spring and autumn, delivery personnel need to replenish fluids while on the move.

6. Marker pend (or ballpoint pen) : In some cases, customers may only provide apartment or villa numbers without specifying the building name (or villa name).

To avoid confusion or mis-delivery, it's advisable to write down the name of the building at the give address.



Item depending on the situation

(There are all optional items based on personal preference)


1. Cap : May be necessary in the following situations

1) When want to wear a flashlight during nighttime delivery

b) When want to avoid people's gaze

c) When leaving home wihtout styling hair

d) When it's lightly raining or snowing and wearing a raincoat feels excessive.

2. Delivery vest : If need to carry various items such as marker pens, extra batters, cigarettes, lighters, etc at all times, a vest with many pockets may be necessary.

Personally, I recommend a delivery-specific vest without specific logos.

Some distributor may provide it.

3. Barcode scanner : while scanning delivery gifts with a mobile-phone is acceptable, some opt for separate bgarcode scanner for quicker scanning.

4. Backup phone : use a budget-friendly (disposable) backup phone for delivery insead of the current premimum phone.

5. Tissue/wet wipes : Public restrooms may not always provide toilet paper.

6. Knee pads : In areas with many stairs, delivery personnel may ascend and descend stairs multiple times a day.

Protecting knees is advisable for long-term delivery work.

For winter, opt for thicker pads and for summer, choose thin pads with mesh.

7. Ion drink : In sweaty summer conditions, water alone may not be enough to replenish lost fluids.


Feel free to adjust this list according to preferences and specific needs.


