
Yesterday, someone askes me if I worked at the Coupng Center when I deliver the Coupang goods.
Then, something came to my mind were recently, a Quick Flex Beginner asked me what a camp is and what a center is, so I explained it to him.

Coupang Camp

*This is a place where products received from the center are delivered into regions and prepared for delivery, that is, a place where delivery-related work is done and is mangered by Counag Logistices Service (CLS).

*The manager of the camp is called CL, or Camp Leader.
Additonally, Kuchin(CPF) and Camp Flex Assistants(FA) work there, and Quick flex/Car flex handles delivery.

*Cellphone : Free to use.
It's a must for flexors also.

*Coupang's delivery occurs 365 days a year. So the camp must also operated 365 days a year.
If possible, flexor do not be recommended to be off on weekends and public holidays.

*Previously, when there was a sub-division-place, helpers sometimes said, it was difficult timee because they had to do a lot of hard work simioar to the work at the center.
However, now that most sub-division-place were disappeares at the camp, helper's job has become a little simpler.
Of course, the situation is a little different when there is still remained sub-division-place within the center. 


Coupang Center

*The logistics center's  work is includes warehousing, inventory management, packing and moviing products to the camp. i.i, a place where products are prepared for delivery  = a logistics warehouse and is manged by Coupang Fulfillment Service (CFS).
The Coupang Center has separated again logistics center and freshness center (which vegetables, foold, dairy products etc).

*There are various tasks includinig inventory management, picking, packing, hub, loading and unloading etc
Among them, loading and unloading process is one of the most hard tasks.
Picking is thee one of the simple tasks of moving ordered producs to the conveyor to the packiing department but there is a time limit for each picking so there is no time to rest.

*The center manager is called Captain.
Additionally, division leader, forklift driver and helpers at the center.

*Cellphone : not allowed to bring it due to security and r-sik of theft.
Actually, it is so busy and don't even have time to look at the phone.

*Since the camp operates 365 days a year, the center also has no choice but to operate 365 days a year.
If possible, helper do not be recommended to be off on weekends and public holidays.


Other point

*For reference, Curly's logistics center system is almost similar to Coupang's.
Since both comanies established centers for the purpose of delivery, it seems natural in a way.

*F.Y.I., I previously worked briefly at Coupang and Curly's logistics centers.
As a former CarFlexor and current Quickflexor, what I want to say is, if you need to work as a Quickflexor, I think working a part-time job at Coupang or Curly while preparing a Quickflexor, if available,  can help you understandiing a little about process work before delivery.
