There are two different roles of Coupang Quick Flex;

1) Fixed driver: A driver who continuously rides the same assigned router throughout the year, that is, 5 or 6 days a week.
2) Backup driver: A driver who enters the router and performs work on the fixed driver's off-days off. 
He rotate between using at least two and at most three routers a week.
(Agency who work 6 days a week may use different routers all 6 days a week.)

Your choice would depend on your preference for consistency and familiarity (fixed driver) versus variety and adaptability (backup driver), as well as your tolerance for the associated challenges of each role.

For this, here I explain each characteristics;

1. Characteristics of fixed driver
1) Advantages of fixed driver
*Quick Flex always receives a fixed area as its delivery area, so it has know-how tailored to the characteristics of that area. 
For example, a certain building/unit of a certain apartment orders 2 to 4 items a day almost every day. 
Instead of going to D1, that customer's items can be melted down to the end and taken all at once. 
*Because he has full knowledge of the overall routing of the router, he can easily change the routing according to the situation. 
*Therefore, the more he get used to it, the faster he can complete delivery of the same quantity. 
In other words, the number of strokes increases. 
*Also, by finishing work early, he has more opportunities to go to another router for backup. 
Or, if he get the chance, he can pick up another subrouter and ship it together. 
*Because he directly control the performance score by himself, if there are no issues, he can continue using the router as long he you wish.

2) Disadvantages of fixed driver
*It is monotonous and boring because he goes to the same place every day. 
*If his performance score on work days, fresh-back collect ro and return item collect, incorrect deliveries, etc. drops, he is responsible for it, and if it is serious, he may be disqualified from the router.

2. Characteristics of a backup driver
1) Advantages of a backup driver 
*(While a fixed driver only knows about a specific router), he gain know-how in various areas. 
*He is less tired because he goes to several different places a week. 
*He can benefit from distributor commissions compared to fixed driver (some dstirbutor does not discriminate) 
*Priority is given to bakup driver to other routers when there is a vacancy in fixed driver.
*Usually, backup driver is less stressed because the performance evaluation does not have much impact.

2) Disadvantages of a backup driver
*Because he is actually a backup driver, there is no fixed route. 
*At the starting of this back up process, his head and body are very tired as he has to learn the routes and features of each router every time router chang.
*Because the way each router performs its work is different, the work end time varies greatly depending on the router.

What is your choice?

